If you need to quickly access and integrate data from any data source to:
- Provide information to, Application Servers, Web Services, Query Tools, Report Writers, Business Intelligence Tools or Artifical Intelligence products regardless of how complex your data is;
- Execute business processes on your data regardless of location;
- Catalog all of your data sources in one location when the dbSpaces Orchestrate addon is installed;
- Sculptor your data source database objects, such as Table and Column names, into something more meaningful for any language using Synonyms;
- Obtain information easily and rapidly from merged or acquired business entities;
- Simplify the IT development and lower the costs of accessing information from both legacy and state-of-the-art applications;
If you need a standards based SQL database server to:
- Quickly generate connections to any Data Source allowing access to your data using SQL or noSQL Application interfaces;
- Turn your noSQL data sources such as Text, JSON or COBOL Files, Key/Value Data Stores, or Document databases such as MongoDB in to a powerful SQL-99 based Relational Database System with the ability to:
- create Tables
- create Indexes
- create Views
- create Queue tables (if the Kafka addon is installed)
- create Synonyms
- create Comments
- create and execute Stored Procedures
- provide standard database Security of Roles and Privileges
- Access complex tables that contain Multiple-row definitions, Structures and Arrays.
…then the dbSpaces CORE Server is your answer!
The dbSpaces CORE Server provides users, application developers and IT managers with the ability to access, view and update data sources enterprise-wide. By cataloging all of your organization's data in one central location, it acts as a real-time provider of information and dramatically simplifies data integration effort and expense.
User applications transparently and instantaneously access the dbSpaces CORE Server to obtain the information they need, whenever they need it. It's easy, fast and efficient!
The dbSpaces CORE Server features can be expanded using Addons from dbSpaces and third party vendors.
For example there are addons such as:
- Advanced Services addon that allow the dbSpaces CORE Server to Virtualise tables across multiple locations and data sources using Instances and Partitions. Application tables can be expanded using Virtual Columns.
- Data from multiple data sources can be Orchestrated into single views using the Orcherstration addon.
- Data masking using Data Sensitivity addon.
- Data usage and retention policies can be implemented using the Data Policy addon.
- Fine grain Security can be added using the Hippocratic Security addon.
- Create and Execute events and Alerts using the Events + Alerts addon.