dbSpaces Studio

The dbSpaces Studio is a platform independant tool that provides DBA's and IT staff with an easy to use and powerful user interface used for creating and maintaining the enterprise-wide Meta information for the dbSpaces Virtual Database Server.

Designer Perspective

The dbSpaces Studio allows DBA's to quickly setup Data Sources objects that define access to existing corporate databases that are to be used by a dbSpaces Virtual Database Server. Once defined the importing of a Data Source catalogue is performed using an Import wizard.

Once a Data Source catalogue is imported, the Studio allows tables, views and columns to be assigned synonyms and descriptions (for different foreign languages) to improve their usability by third party applications such as Report writers and Business Intelligence tools.

The graphical user-friendly interface features context-sensitive online help screens and enables you to:

Once your data sources and their meta information is configured in dbSpaces, it is available for transparent access by user applications such as Report Writers, Business Intelligence Tools and Application Servers.

The Studio also enables your personnel to direct the key functions of dbSpaces, such as security and privileges, replication, and other core functions. When fast-moving situations necessitate changes in data mapping, user access, or other changes, it's a simple task to make these changes with the Studio, saving IT staff the time and effort it would take to manually integrate the data using SQL statements.

With the Studio complex, virtual, and meta tables can easily be defined to meet all of your user's data integration needs.

Once you see how easy it is to map and integrate enterprise data with the dbSpaces Studio, you'll appreciate how it puts your IT staff in total control of your data integration efforts.

Query Perspective

The Studio also provides the ability to query any Virtual Database objects using SQL statements without having to revert to a third party query tool.

Multiple queries executing at the same time and Results can be saved as TEXT, CSV or XML data. Alternatively they can be saved as SQL insert statements.

Database objects can be dragged and dropped into the SQL editor to build queries quickly. When selecting more than one table to drag and drop, the SQL editor will automatically generate the FROM and WHERE clauses if the tables are found to be related.

The SQL editor provides for database object lookup and auto-complete. It also allows SQL Keywords to be typed in and auto-completed when the SQL Keyword accelerator key is pressed.

Insight Perspective

The Insight perspective allows you to monitor the System (Cpu, memory, swap, file system, disk and network ) resources the dbSpaces servers is running on, the databases sessions, Alerts and Events.

The Sessions monitor allows you to stop running database sessions if they are running too long. The Alerts monitor allows you to acknowledge any Alerts that require acknowledgement.