IT Management Perspective On The Data Integration Challenge

Is your IT department providing management and end-users with all the corporate information they need?

Can they request the information they need without having to know the location of the data?

Can you develop and deploy supply chain management and customer relationship management applications as soon as needed?

Are data integration issues

Are you being pressured by finance and operations to integrate acquisitions faster?

Solving One of Your Biggest Headaches

The evolution of information technology makes the impossible possible while simultaneously making the complex almost unfathomable. And the pace continues to accelerate. Creating more demands on busy and already overwhelmed IT staff.

Undoubtedly, your company has vast mines of data, waiting to be tapped and refined. Presenting strategic opportunities to beat your competitors. As an IT manager, all you have to do is meet the integration challenge. Now!i

But obstacles stand between you and information paradise. How do you access and manage disparate, distributed corporate data sources to harness their potential power? It's a major challenge that's increasing due to:

The Impact of Data Integration Challenges on Your IT Department

You are dedicating too many valuable resources to data integration:

The challenge is too big to be met through coding:

The Challenge is clear. Now the Answer is too. You need an effective solution that enables you to meet the challenges of integrating data:

The answer is dbSpaces. dbSpaces is architected to help you achieve all these goals. It is the comprehensive and cost-effective solution to all your data integration challenges.

dbSpaces Provides the IT Organization Data Integration Power

dbSpaces, though its comprehensive data integration capabilities, provides your organization:

Information Access and Control. Get the ability to access, manage and use your corporate information, quickly and reliably, regardless of its location or format. Provide your end users the information they need, when they need it - in an easy, transparent fashion.

Datamart and Data Warehouse Loading. dbSpaces can deliver information from disparate data sources to your information storehouses.

An Improved Development Process Using dbSpaces to access and manage your data, application development is simplified and focused on user functionality, not data integration. Corporate data-dependent applications are:

Reduced Integration Burden on IT Staff. Data integration challenges in mergers and acquisitions, and in developing modern applications, such as e-Commerce, CRM, and SCM, can be met quickly and easily, lowering the stress level on busy IT staff.

Savings, Efficiency And Satisfied Users. dbSpaces delivers results to your IT staff so they can provide the support your organization's users need to accomplish their mission.

Legacy Data And Application Protection. With sizable investments in information and applications, acquired entities require an easy, fast and reliable way to link to their distributed data with your own. dbSpaces enables this.

A Comprehensive Solution, Not a Partial One

Because integration challenges are numerous, dbSpaces provides a robust answer to all of them, not just some of them. dbSpaces doesn't have the limitations some competitive solutions do; and half-solutions today are no solution at all.

dbSpaces accommodates all your integration needs, for example: