
dbSpaces Ltd., has developed a comprehensive and powerful Corporate Data Operating System, dbSpaces Virtual Database, to enable companies to connect all their data and access, view, manage, aggregate, share, replicate, update, query and deploy this strategic information in real-time across the enterprise whether it is in the form of a Public or Private cloud.

The dbSpaces products:

Corporate Mission: A World Class Provider Of Data Products

dbSpaces's corporate mission is to provide organizations with the ability to harness the power of their information. We bridge the gap between information's potential and the competitive advantage it provides when aggregated and employed. And we make it easy for both IT staff and end users alike to take advantage of strategic data resources to make use of their strategic data resources.

In many ways, information is like a reservoir of petroleum deep in the earth. To serve as a viable source of energy and power, it has to be located, extracted, transported, and refined. However, a company's reservoirs of data are often scattered across its locations worldwide, residing in a host of incompatible formats and databases.

Locating, accessing, and making use of enterprise-wide information is a formidable challenge: one that makes the strategic use of data more of a dream than a reality for most firms, until now.

When Information is Spread Across Your Enterprise, How do You Make Strategic Use of It?

dbSpaces has the answer! Our dbSpaces information integration framework enables organizations to access and use all of their global information in real time - regardless of its location, data source or format. dbSpaces's easy-to-use and manage framework empowers users with fast, easy and controlled access to all the information they need, when they need it.

dbSpaces catalogs all corporate information, buffering users from having to know the physical location of the data they require. It allows users to access, view, manage, replicate, update, query and deploy the information needed to meet business goals.

dbSpaces is a comprehensive solution to the enterprise information integration dilemma faced by most companies today. dbSpaces provides you with the power and flexibility to bridge the gap between data and the strategic use of it.