Mergers and Acquisitions

The number of corporate mergers and acquisitions continues to increase as companies seek to:

Not surprisingly, a high number of mergers - up to 70% according to some industry analysts - ultimately fail. A key contributor to failure is the inability to integrate information between the respective companies.

Because merging companies often use different computer applications and databases, the sharing of information and the synchronizing of operational systems are significant challenges for IT departments and corporate management alike. Until now.

Integrating Vital Data from Mergers and Acquisitions

dbSpaces helps IT staff and corporate management resolve the data integration challenges inherent in corporate mergers. With its ability to easily link disparate corporate data regardless of location or format, dbSpaces enables IT staff to integrate any information, quickly and with minimal effort, including:

As long as dbSpaces has a native or standard application interface driver for the data sources used within your acquired companies, it provides fast, easy, transparent access to all information.

dbSpaces can play an invaluable role in integrating merged entities as follows:

IT staffs striving to cope with the challenges of merging business entities use dbSpaces to:

If you face the challenge of integrating data from merged or acquired business entities, dbSpaces is the solution for you.