Executive Perspective On the Enterprise Information Challenge

In the modern economy, you adapt or die!
Information can be a powerful competitive weapon. Today, it's either use your information to bury the competition or arm your people with shovels so they won't be defenceless.

Wal-Mart is by far the commercial world's most influential purchaser and implementer of software and systems. It has become the 800-pound gorilla in a retail jungle by using information strategically to:

Wal-Mart won! And its competitors lost.

Is Your Enterprise Ready to Compete in the Information Age?

Ask yourself these questions about:

Decision-making.When executive decisions need to be made, do your managers have access to the information they need, when they need it - so they can make intelligent, productive decisions?

Mergers and Acquisitions. Can your corporate applications seamlessly, quickly, and easily integrate all the new corporation's data sources to provide the information required to manage the new, combined company effectively? Can your managers get the information they require easily and in a timely manner?

E-Commerce. Is your information systems able to provide all the data that e-Commerce solutions need without delay due to data integration challenges?

Customer service and relationships. Can sales and customer service reps access all the information they need about an important account before or during contact? Or are you disappointing your customers and opening the door to competition?

Supply chains. Can you streamline your purchasing and supply operations by providing your partners with the information they need?

While managing an organization can be an immense challenge, you can make it far easier by providing your managers with valuable information on which to base important decisions and with which to run your business.

Data Integration Challenges Impact Every Business!

Your Information Technology (IT) staff face the difficult challenge of managing all your data and making it available to your managers and employees due to the following issues:

Surely, There's a Better Way Don't You Think?

Simply put, your organization's important data

This makes the strategic use of it difficult, time-consuming and expensive. Until now.

Harnessing the Power of Your Information begins with the dbSpaces Virtual Database Server

To use all of your enterprise information strategically, you first have to be able to locate and access it.

Then you must be able to manage, distribute and use it.

dbSpaces bridges the chasm that exists between your data and your ability to use it strategically.

dbSpaces catalogs all of your information regardless of where it resides or in what format or database it's in. It makes it easy for any end-user with the proper access privileges to get the corporate information they need, when they need it. Fast.

By using dbSpaces, your organization obtains the ability to:

In the Information Age, the continued success of organizations will hinge on their ability to harness the power of their information.

dbSpaces prepares your organization for that reality now.