Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Managing customer relations and ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction are providing the competitive edge in the New Economy.

In the current business environment:

Companies are responding to these opportunities and challenges by implementing CRM solutions. A typical CRM solution is dependent on some or all of the following data:

This data may reside in one or multiple data sources.

One investment firm, for example, deployed a CRM solution that extracts customer data from 12 different data sources to provide customer service reps with a wealth of information to use when customers call for assistance.

Inevitably the volumes of information gathered for CRM systems come from a variety of financial and operational systems, involving distributed data sources of disparate formats and data types. Integrating customer data and synchronizing information with field sales and service employees represents a formidable challenge.

Responding to CRM Information Needs

The dbSpaces data layer provides transparent access to multiple data sources simultaneously, as if they were a single data source that CRM applications use for customer and product information. Promptly and accurately.

dbSpaces provides:

Using dbSpaces, your sales, marketing and customer service representatives get the information they need to satisfy customers and grow your business. Fast and cost-effectively.